The 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2024), which will be held in International Building at National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan in 8/22-24, 2024, will be soliciting contributions out of novel and original research and development results on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems. The conference, which will be jointly organized by the Robotics Society of Taiwan (RST) and NTU, is intended to provide a forum for international researchers from the academia and industries to share their findings, to network, and to foster collaboration opportunities in technical and business areas.
Algorithms and Data Structures
Artificial Intelligence
Autonomous Vehicle Systems
Behavior Control
Brain-Machine Interface
Cognitive Robot
Collaborative Robots
Cyber-Physical Systems
Design Optimization
Digital Twin
Education Robot
Embedded Robot
Entertainment Robot
Fuzzy System and Applications
Genetic Algorithms
Green Production Systems
Haptics and Teleoperation
Human-Centered Design
Human-Centered Transportation
Human-Computer Interaction
Human-Machine Interaction
Human-Robot Interaction
Humanoid Robot
Industrial Robot
Inspection Robot
Learning in Control Systems
Manufacturing with Robots
Transportation Systems
Vehicle Systems
Medical Robot
Mobile Robot
Modeling and Mathematical Models
Neural Networks
Perception for robotics
Security Robot
Sensor Fusion
Service Robot
Soccer Robot
Social Robot
Soft Robotics
Swarm Intelligence
System Integration Technology
Aug 22
Aug 24
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
2018-08-28 China Taipei
2018 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems2017-09-06 Taiwan, China Taipei,China
2017 International conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems2016-08-31 Taiwan, China Taipei,China
2016 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems2014-06-06 Taiwan, China
2014 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems2013-05-31 Taiwan, China
2013 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems
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