LA-CCI is an acronym that refers to the Latin America Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI), which currently includes correspondents in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In these Countries, there is sound research and active groups working in CI that are eager to develop the area and exchange experiences/personnel. As well as a Conference Series, LA-CCI is a structuring endeavor from LA-CIS (Latin American Computational Intelligence Society) that is encouraging research groups of these participating Countries to teams up around the exciting topic of Computational Intelligence.
Nov 13
Nov 15
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
2018-11-07 Mexico
2018 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence2017-11-08 Peru Universidad Católica San Pablo
2017 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence2016-11-02 Colombia Cartagena, Colombia
2016 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence
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