
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia is pleased to announce that the 17th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2024) will be held during December 9 to 11, 2024 at Macquarie University Wallumattagal campus. ICST2024 is intended to provide a common forum for researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research findings, developments and applications in the area of sensing technology. ICST2024 will include keynote addresses by eminent scientists as well as special, regular and poster sessions. All papers will be peer reviewed on the basis of a full-length manuscript and acceptance will be based on quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings with an IEEE catalog number and ISBN number. The proceedings will be submitted for possible publication in IEEE Xplore and indexing by EI Compendex.

Authors are invited to submit the full manuscript (around 6 pages including references) of their technical paper, for oral or poster presentation. Papers in pdf format may be uploaded via the web using the system at:

The authors need to register to have their account using EDAS ( .

Topics will include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Vision Sensing
2. Sensors and Actuators
3. Sensor Signal Processing
4. Sensors Phenomena and Modelling
5. Sensor Characterization
6. Smart Sensors and Sensor Fusion
7. Electromagnetic Sensors
8. Chemical and Gas Sensors
9. Physical Sensors
10. Electronic Nose Technology
11. Biological Sensors
12. Electro-optic Sensors and Systems
13. Mechanical sensors (inertial, pressure, and tactile)
14. Nano Sensors
15. Ultrasonic, Acoustic, Noise and Vibration Sensors
16. Wireless Sensors and WSN
17. Body Area Network
18. Internet of Things (IoT)
19. Security and Reliability of WSN and IoT
20. Optical Sensors (radiation sensors, meta-material/meta-surface, optoelectronic/photonic sensors, and fibres)
21. Lab-on chip
22. Sensor Arrays
23. Intelligent sensing
24. Telemetering
25. Online monitoring
26. Applications of Sensors (automotive, medical, environmental monitoring, earthquake life detection, high speed impact, consumer, alarm and security, nautical, aeronautical and space sensor systems, robotics, and automation)
27. Solid State Sensors
28. Sensors for high energy physics applications
29. Particle accelerators and detectors
30. Internet-based and other Remote Data Acquisition
31. Education using sensors
32. Elder care for tomorrow

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline
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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Dec 09



    Dec 11


  • Jul 15 2024

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Dec 11 2024

    Registration deadline

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IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
Macquarie University, Australia