


Jyothi Engineering College Cheruthuruthy (JECC) set up in 2002, under the aegis of Trichur Educational Trust, founded by the Catholic Archdiocese of Trichur, is a leading Engineering College in Kerala. Jyothi Engineering college has been in the forefront of providing quality professional education in Engineering & Technology since inception. We are aware that our stakeholders, including students and recruiters, look for reliable information on quality education offered.

Jyothi Engineering College is NAAC accredited with a grade A. Five of the undergraduate programs offered have NBA accreditation, which indicates that we are well recognized for the quality of education we offer. We are periodically evaluated for these stringent NBA accreditation criteria to ensure we sustain the mandated quality levels.

To bridge the Academia - Industry Gap, we have started a joint venture with TATA Technologies, named TATA-JYOTHI Integrated Industrial Incubation Centre(TATA-JYOTHI IIIC). Students can have better placement opportunities by getting certified from this venture. We have other facilities such as Centre for Water Research and Education (CWRE), FAB Lab, Bio-Fuel Research Unit etc.

We offers B.Tech programmes in Artifcial Intelligence and Data Science, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics.

We also offers M.Tech programmes in Communication Engineering and Signal Processing, Computer Science and Engineering, Industrial Automation and Robotics, Power Electronics, Transportation Engineering. In addition to these courses we have PhD programmes in Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.


Also, the Hindu pilgrimage center namely the Vadakkumnathan Temple, dedicated to Shiva is located 33 kms from Cherthuruty (at city of Thrissur), of Kerala state in India. This temple is a classical example of the architectural style of Kerala and has one monumental tower on each of the four sides in addition to a kuttambalam.

In addition, one historic and renown temple called Guruvayur Sree Krishna Temple (the Dwaraka of the South) is located 40 kms from Cheruthruthy which is one of India's most ancient temple and popular pilgrimage destinations in Kerala and the entire country.

An elephant sanctuary -’Guruvayur Anakotta’- located about 3 km from the Guruvayur Temple is considered to be one of the largest elephant sanctuaries in the country which is having more than 60 elephants. Visitors can enjoy a wonderful experience of befriending elephants and clicking pictures with them.

Athirappilly waterfalls, a mysterious serenity is Kerala's most famous and largest waterfall at over 80 ft high located around 96 km from Cheruthuruthy. It is a perennial picnic spot for people in the area and beyond. Barely 5 km away is another family favourite, Vazhachal Waterfalls. These waterfalls became famous for not just their view but the endemic species found in the surrounding dense forests.


Advisory board Members (INTERNATIONAL)

Sl.No Name Institution Country
1 Dr. Sumedha Rajakaruna Curtin University Australia
2 Dr. Oliver Ozioko Chair, IEEE Sensors Council YP & University of Derby UK
3 Khayakazi Dioka Chair, IEEE Power & Energy Society WIP South Africa
4 Dr. Sheik Mohammed Sulthan Vice-Chair, IEEE Brunei Darussalam, University Teknologi Brunei Brunei
5 Dr. SisilKumarawadu University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka
6 Dr. R P Praveen Majmaah University Saudi Arabia
7 Dr. Valentina E. Balas Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad Romania
8 Adam Slota Cracow University of Technology Poland
9 Dr. Bensujin University of Technology and Applied Sciences Oman
10 Dr. Muthukumar Selvakannu University of Technology and Applied Sciences Oman
11 Dr. Yu-Chen Hu Providence University Taiwan
12 Dr. Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Qatar University Qatar
13 Dr. Sadia Siddiqa Prince Sultan University Saudi Arabia
14 Dr. Izabell Craciunescu National Institute for Research and Development Romania
15 Dr. Amir Parnianifard University of Glasgow China
16 Lorant Andras Szolga Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Romania
17 Debajyoti Pal King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi Thailand
18 Abdul Basit Mirza Stony Brook University USA
19 Pierluigi Siano University of Salerno Italy
20 Dr. Mihai Lazarescu Politecnico di Torino Italy
21 Dr. Ahmad Sedaghat Australian University Kuwait
22 Prof. Saleh Al Jufout California State University USA
23 Khalid Alemerien Tafila Technical University Jordan
24 Dr. Dharanidhar Dang Boolean Lab of the University of California USA

Advisory board Members (NATIONAL)

Sl.No Name Institution Country
1 Dr. Ashutosh Kedar Secretary, IEEE Bangalore Section & DRDO India
2 Dr. Saakshi Dhanekar Chair, IEEE Women in Sensors India
3 Dr. R. Hariprakash Secretary, IEEE Madras Section India
4 Dr. Varun G Menon Treasurer, IEEE Kochi subsection India
5 Indhumathi Gunasekaran Chair, IEEE YESIST12 Special Track & Accenture India
6 Dr. Suresh Mikili NIT Goa India
7 Dr. Panda P C Rtd. Professor, NIT Rourkela India
8 Dr. Jayaraj P B Computer Science and Engineering ,NIT Calicut India
9 Dr. Pournami P. N. NIT Calicut India
10 Dr. Jagadeesh V K NIT, PATNA India
11 Dr. John Paul Martin IIIT- Kottayam, Department of Computer Science and Engineering India
12 Dr. Christina Terese Joseph IIIT- Kottayam, Department of Computer Science and Engineering India
13 Dr. JisnaV.A IIITDM, Kurnool India
14 Dr. Suchithra M S IIIT,KottayamCSE Dept. India
15 Dr. Vipindas K IIITDM Kurnool, ME Dept. India
16 Dr. Jaison Mathew GEC, Thrissur India
17 Dr. Shalij P. R Dean Research, KTU India
18 Dr. Sindhu.S NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad India
19 Dr. Santhosh Kumar G CUSAT India
20 Dr. Sabu M K CUSAT India
21 Dr. Arun Kumar Gande NIT Warangal India
22 Dr. Peeta Basa Pati Amrita University Bangalore India
23 Dr. Varun P Gopi IIIT, Trichy India
24 Dr. Lintu Rajan NIT Calicut, ECE Dept. India
25 Dr. Chitti Babu IIITDM, Kancheepuram India
26 Nitanshu Chauhan NIT Uttarakhand India
27 Anuj Sachan IIT Roorkee India
28 Dr. Ajay Kumar Maurya Ph.D. at IIT Roorkee India
29 Durgesh Singh IIITDM Jabalpur India


Organizing COMMITTEE

Sl.No Name Designation  
1 His Grace Mar Andrews Thazhath Chief Patron Chairman
2 Msgr. Jose Konikkara Patron (President & Manager)
3 Rev. Thomas Kakkassery Patron (Secretary & Executive Manager)
4 Rev. Fr. Jose Kannampuzha Patron (Director Academics)
5 Fr David Nettikadan Patron (Finance Officer)
6 Dr. Jose P. Therattil Principal and General Chair Jyothi Engineering College
7 Dr. Rijil Ramchand Co-General Chair Associate Professor, EEE Engg, Dept NIT Calicut
8 Dr. Gaswin Kastro G Technical and Program Chair Associate Professor, JECC
9 Dr. Jarin T Publication Chair Associate Professor, JECC
10 Mr.Jithin K Jose Finance Chair Assistant Profesor, JECC
11 Dr. Valanto Alappat Publicity Chair Associate Professor, JECC
12 Dr. Biju P L Member Professor, JECC
13 Dr. Vivek Lukose Member Professor, JECC
14 Dr. Karthik C Member Professor, JECC
15 Mr. Shine P Xavier Member Assistant Professor, JECC
16 Ms. Soorya M Nair Member Assistant Professor, JECC
17 Ms. Reni Jose Member Assistant Professor, JECC


Technical Program COMMITTEE



Sl.No Name Area of specialization/interest Affiliation
1 Dr. Sheik Mohammed Sulthan Renewable Energy, Solar PV system Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei
2 Dr. Sisil Kumarawadu Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Renewable Energy Systems University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
3 Dr. R P Praveen Renewable Energy Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia
4 Lorant Andras Szolga Robotics, Industrial Automation Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
5 Abdul Basit Mirza Electrical Engineering Stony Brook University, USA
6 Pierluigi Siano Green Energy, Smart Grid, Smart cities University of Salerno, Italy
7 Dr. Mihai Lazarescu Electrical Engineering Politecnico di Torino, Italy
8 Khalid Alemerien Artificial Intelligence Tafila Technical University, USA
9 Dr. Bensujin Electrical Engineering University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Oman
10 Dr. Muthukumar Selvakannu Electrical Engineering University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Oman
11 Dr. Praveen R P All electrical areas College of Engineering, Majmaah University, Soudi Arabia


Sl.No Name Area of specialization/interest Affiliation
1 Dr. Jagadeesh V K Instrumentation NIT, PATNA
2 Dr. Panda P C Control System Power System Power Electronics Renewable Energy Rtd. Professor, NIT Rourkela
3 Dr. Suresh Mikili Electrical NIT Goa
4 Dr. Chitti Babu Wind & PU System Electrical Embedded System IIITDM, Kancheepuram
5 Dr. varun P gopi Signal Processing IIIT,Trichy
6 Dr.Jisna V.A Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning IIITDM,Kurnool
7 Dr. Vipindas K Manufacturing IIITDM Kurnool, ME Dept.
8 Dr. Lintu Rajan Sensor, Thin film, Nanotechnology NIT Calicut, ECE Dept.
9 Dr.Jayaraj P B Artificial Intelligence National Institute of Technology, Calicut- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
10 Dr. John Paul Martin Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning IIIT- Kottayam, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
11 Dr. Christina Terese Joseph Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning IIIT- Kottayam, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
12 Dr. Suchithra M S Machine Learning Deep Learning Soft Computing AI in Agriculture IIIT, Kottayam CSE Dept.
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    Dec 06


  • May 01 2024

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  • Dec 06 2024

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Jyothi Engineering College, Cheruthuruthy
Kerala Section