IEEE SPMB24, now in its 15th year, is a virtual symposium that provides an international forum for collaboration between bioengineering and signal processing researchers. We expect approximately 120 researchers from 30+ countries to attend this virtual event. We specifically encourage graduate students to attend and present early versions of their thesis or dissertation research. This is an excellent opportunity to network with leading professionals in your field and to form new collaborations.
The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Region 2 Philadelphia Section, Temple University, and the Neural Engineering Data Consortium. This symposium is intended to bring together a wide range of professionals interested in applications of artificial intelligence (AI), signal processing and clinical applications in medicine and biology. Signal processing and AI are rapidly transforming healthcare due to the significant success deep learning technology has enjoyed recently. The enormous amounts of data that can be mined from devices and medical records is enabling a new generation of technology based on big data.
The symposium will consist of two plenary talks, two oral sessions and a poster session. We usually accept 12 papers and 8 to 12 posters. Acceptance rates for the conference average about 50%. Papers that are not accepted for presentation are offered a chance to be resubmitted as a poster.
The conference will be held online using Zoom since this seems to be work best for our international audience. In addition to publication of your paper or abstract, a video recording of your contribution will be made available from the conference technical program web page. Please refer to last year’s program to see examples of these presentations.
The conference technical committee will also select a best paper based on both the written submission and oral presentation. Poster submissions are not eligible for this award.
Symposium Topics:
Traditional topics include:
• Signal and image analysis (e.g., EEG, ECG, MRI)
• Artificial intelligence, machine learning and data mining
• Clinical applications of signal processing and AI technology
• Applications of emerging computing technology such as quantum computing and low power microelectronics
Applications of particular interest this year include:
• Genomics, genetics and proteomics
• Smart Health systems based on artificial intelligence
If you have questions about the relevance of a planned submission, feel free to contact the technical committee at for guidance
Dec 07
Conference Date
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
2022-12-03 United States Philadelphia
2022 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium2021-12-04 United States Philadelphia
2021 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium2018-12-01 United States
2018 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium2017-12-02 United States Philadelphia
2017 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium2016-12-03 United States Philadelphia
2016 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium2015-12-12 United States
2015 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium2014-12-13 United States
2014 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium
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