IEEE AIxVR stands out as a distinctive event that brings together researchers and professionals across the spectrum of Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Virtual Reality. This event serves as a global platform fostering collaboration between these diverse fields, facilitating the presentation of cutting-edge advancements, identifying emerging research avenues, and collectively shaping the future of these dynamic research domains.
We extend a warm invitation to researchers specializing in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) to actively participate and contribute by submitting their work to the program. Moreover, we welcome submissions related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) that have a direct correlation to any of these immersive technologies or demonstrate potential applications within them.
For detailed information, please consult the call for papers, and join us in the exploration and celebration of the intersections between AI and XR technologies at IEEE AIxVR.
We invite researchers, professionals, and innovators specializing in VR, AR, MR, and AI to submit their original work to our program. Submissions should focus on integrating, applying, and advancing XR/VR with AI technologies and vice versa, demonstrating novel ideas, addressing current challenges, or exploring future directions for these dynamic fields.
The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Submissions will undergo a thorough peer review by members of the international program committee. New in this edition: Contributions of distinguished quality will be selected for best paper awards and to be extended for a special section in the Computers & Graphics journal (Elsevier) and International Journal of Semantic Computing.
Jan 27
Jan 29
Registration deadline
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