2025 International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science (AMLDS 2025) will be held at Tokyo International University on 18th-20th July 2025. The conference is sponsored by Tokyo International University, Japan, co-sponsored by National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan, and supported by Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, France, Saigon University, Vietnam, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia, and RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
AMLDS 2025 is an international venue for the presentation of original research findings, as well as the exchange and dissemination of creative, practical development experiences in various engineering domains. The conference draws researchers and application developers from a wide range of artificial and data engineering-related areas along with their algorithms and applications of current issues of almost all branches of Engineering and Technology. The conference aims to enhance the state-of-the-art in Machine Learning and Data Science, as well as other promising areas of computing, by encouraging fresh, high-quality research discoveries and inventive solutions to tough machine learning challenges. Researchers, academicians, and professionals from all over the world are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers from all perspectives, including theory, practice, experimentation, and review papers highlighting specific research domains for presentation in the conference's technical sessions.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in AMLDS conference proceedings, indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc.
We target contributions from both academia and industrials on the following topics, but not limited to:
▪Machine Learning Foundations
Machine Learning System Design
Machine Learning Optimization
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
Reinforcement Learning
▪Deep Learning and Data Engineering
Deep Neural Networks Optimization Algorithms
Deep Feedforward Networks
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
▪Machine Learning and Data Engineering
Machine Learning in Data Lakes
Machine Learning based Data Integration and Data Interoperability
Machine Learning Data Pipelines
Machine Learning based Data Streaming
Machine Learning Relating to Knowledge and Data Management
Biomedical informatics
Computational Biology
Human Activity Recognition
1. Full Paper (Publication and Presentation)
2. Abstract (Presentation only)
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=amlds2025
▪Submission Deadline
10th February 2025
▪Notification Date
10th March 2025
▪Registration Deadline
30th March 2025
▪Outstanding Paper Award
▪Best Student Paper Award
▪Best Oral Presentation Award
▪Best Poster Presentation Award
▪Best Reviewer Award
▪Conference Chairs
Minh-Son Dao, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Rafik Hamza, Tokyo International University
▪Conference Co-chairs
Do-van Nguyen, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Jay Rajasekera, Tokyo International University
▪Technical Program Chairs
Parag Kulkarni, Tokyo International University
Fatih Ozaydin, Tokyo International University
▪Technical Program Co-chairs
Hanh-Nhi Tran, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
The-Bao Pham, Saigon University
▪Local Organizing Chair
Nora Sharkasi, Tokyo International University
▪Local Organizing Committee
Wenbin Gan, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Samuel Amponsah, Tokyo International University
Vasily Lubashevskiy, Tokyo International University
▪Publicity Chairs
Zolzaya Dashdorj, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Sulayman Sowe, RWTH Aachen University
Rangga Handika, Tokyo International University
全文(最多 10 页双栏)
1) 邀请作者提交与会议主题相关的原创、未发表的英文论文。提交的任何包含重复或重复发表的相同或非常相似的研究工作的稿件均违反推荐和出版政策,将被拒绝。稿件也不得同时考虑在其他地方发表。 2) 论文全文需在 2025 年2 月 10 日之前通过在线提交系统提交:https://easychair.org/conferences/ ?conf=amlds2025。录取或拒绝将在 2025 年 3 月 10 日之前通知。 3) 作者需要使用以下模板准备和格式化论文:Microsoft Word 或 LaTeX 模板
1) 如果您只想在会议上与其他人分享和讨论您的最新研究,您可以提交一份摘要用于海报或口头报告。作者必须提交一份 300 字的摘要。提交的内容应清楚地描述一个技术问题,概述解决方案并提供一些结果。
2) 摘要需要在 2024 年 10 月 20 日之前通过在线提交系统提交:https://easychair.org/conferences/ ?conf=amlds2025。录取或拒绝将在两周内通知。
* 拒绝提交的文章或从最终出版物中删除该文章。
* 向作者的主管和附属机构报告作者的违规行为。
* 向适当的学术伦理监督办公室和研究资助机构报告作者的违规行为。
* 保留公布作者姓名、文章标题、附属机构名称和剽窃者不当行为细节等的权利”
1) AMLDS 会议提交的论文将由两名审稿人进行双盲同行评审。审稿人是会议国际技术委员会的成员,该委员会的专家在与会议主题特别匹配的领域工作。
2) 成功提交后将进行两轮审查程序。只有通过初步审查程序的稿件才会自动进入进一步审查程序。
3) 论文将分配给该专业领域的技术委员会成员。每位审稿人大约分配 5 篇论文。
4) 技术委员会成员通常会在截止日期前提交评论。
Jul 18
Jul 20
Draft paper submission deadline
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