ICACC 2024 is a multidisciplinary event which covers a wide spectrum of related concepts drawn from the various disciplines of Engineering & Technology. The themes of the conference are “Smart Electronics & IoT, Explainable AI & Applications, Advanced Semiconductor Technology, Future of Computing: Trends, Challenges & Opportunities and Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart City Technologies.” The conference provides a knowledge-building and experience-sharing platform for professionals from the industry, academia, and research organizations. ICACC, initiate a call for research papers in all areas of science, engineering, and technology.
This annual event, initiated in 2011, has gradually matured into one of the top conferences internationally. The past decade has witnessed a proliferation of ever-increasing demand for smart computing and secure and reliable communications. As computer systems and communication networks become increasingly large and complex, their ease of implementation and reliability plays a critical role in supporting next generation technology. These systems consist of heterogeneous software, hardware and network components of changing capacities, availability, and in varied contexts. Thus, it remains a challenge to design, analyze, evaluate, and improve the performance and security of computing and communication techniques. The new era of information and communication technology emphasizes on the seamless roles of connectivity, interfaces, and embedded systems in all aspects of digital life.
This conference aims at bringing out computing and communication concepts everywhere for the upbringing of better and smarter world with smarter technologies. Plenary talks from experts and well-known speakers on the theme and its related topics are the highlights of the conference.
The technical program includes a banquet talk and multiple keynotes talks from experts in the field of computing and communications. It includes experts from various industries as well as Institution. Peer-reviewed paper presentations will take place in multiple tracks. All technical papers are reviewed by a panel of national and international experts. ICACC provides an integrated & multifaceted forum for bringing together leading academicians, scientists, researchers, and industrial practitioners, to discuss and exchange theoretical findings, experimental results, novel designs, work-in-progress, industrial experiences, case studies, and trend-setting ideas in the areas of computing and communications.
General chair
Advisory Board
TPC chairs
Publication chair
Publicity chair
Finance Committee Chair
Technical Program Committee
Nov 06
Nov 08
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
2017-08-22 India Cochin
2017 7th International Conference On Advances In Computing & Communications2015-09-02 India
2015 Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communications (ICACC)2013-08-29 India
2013 Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC)
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