
2024 ICICDT is the twenty-one edition (21st) in the series of the International Conference on IC Design and Technology, organized since 2004 (2004 – 2024: 20 years). 2024 ICICDT will be held in Singapore from September 25-27, 2024. Design and technology co-optimization (DTCO) plays a critical role in the era of big data with an explosion of new applications in the prominent fields of artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, robotics, and autonomous vehicles. To meet the ever-growing demand for speed and power efficiency in data sensing, computing, and transmission, separating design and technology, as is done in traditional integrated circuit (IC) engineering, encounters significant challenges. The ever-increasing complexity and variability require close interaction and collaboration for the best optimization and trade-off by design, device, process, and materials. Savvy IC engineers also require a deeper understanding of the interdependencies between design and technology options to expand the product optimization window. ICICDT is, by design, a forum for engineers, researchers, graduate students, and professors, to cross the design-technology boundary by bringing design, technology, and process experts together. ICICDT has a unique format where each paper has a short presentation and a poster to encourage inquisitive discussions and the sharing of knowledge on a one-to-one basis during the poster session. This conference workshop style provides an excellent opportunity for all attendees to exchange breakthrough ideas and collaborate efficiently. 

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  • Conference Date

    Sep 25



    Sep 27


  • Sep 27 2024

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