Ciliate Molecular Biology Conference 2025 (CMB 2025) will be hosted by the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and will be held in Wuhan, China from July 25 to 28, 2025. The objective of this conference is to gather researchers all over the world to solve different scientific problems with protozoan ciliates as the research object, and provide them with a platform for diverse and multidisciplinary exchanges, and openly discuss the current research progress and future developments. The conference consisted of 7 sessions: Genomics, bioinformatics & systems biology; Genome rearrangement; Evolution & adaptation; Chromatin & chromosomes; Cell & developmental biology; Cilia, basal bodies & motility; Symbiosis & environmental stress.
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The Ciliate Molecular Biology Meeting is part of the FASEB Summer Series. It is supported by the American Genetics Association (GSA) and is held every two years.
The objective of this conference is to gather researchers all over the world to solve different scientific problems with protozoan ciliates as the research object, and provide them with a platform for diverse and multidisciplinary exchanges, and openly discuss the current research progress and future developments. The conference consisted of 8 major themes:Genomics, bioinformatics and systems biology; Genome rearrangement; Evolution and adaptation; Chromatin & chromosomes; Cell & developmental biology; Cilia, basal bodies & motility; Sybiosis and environmental stress; Functional genomics.
Jul 25
Jul 28
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
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