Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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Ciliate Molecular Biology Conference 2025 (CMB 2025) will be hosted by the Institute of  Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and will be held in Wuhan, China from July 25 to 28, 2025. The objective of this conference is to gather researchers all over the world to solve different scientific problems with protozoan ciliates as the research object, and provide them with a platform for diverse and multidisciplinary exchanges, and openly discuss the current research progress and future developments. The conference consisted of 7 sessions: Genomics, bioinformatics & systems biology; Genome rearrangement; Evolution & adaptation; Chromatin & chromosomes; Cell & developmental biology; Cilia, basal bodies & motility; Symbiosis & environmental stress.

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline

Abstract Format

  1. The title of the abstract should be concise and in bold. Full capitalization is not necessary.  
  2. Authors should include their address and e-mail address. The corresponding author may be marked with an asterisk (*). The name of the individual who will attend the meeting to present the work should be underlined.
  3. Abstracts should be typed in English using single line, 12 point font size, and the preferred font is Times New Roman, 12 point.
  4. Chemical structures may be drawn using Chem Draw etc. Caption style may follow ACS format.
  5. References, denoted by superscript numbers in the text, should be listed at the end of the text using the ACS format: Lastname, First Initial. J. Am. Chem. Soc. Yearissue number, first page - last page.
  6. The whole of the abstract must be contained within 1 page A4 sheet in portrait layout. Please send electronic files (both Word file and PDF file) to the symposium secretariat. 
  7. A simple template file was provided in the link: 2025CBM-Abstract format.docx

墙报 Poster

  • 规格要求:120cm x 90cm; 英文
  • 以墙报发表参会的学者也需按照要求提交在以下连接,完成提交英文版会议摘要及缴费流程。

Submission Topics

The Ciliate Molecular Biology Meeting is part of the FASEB Summer Series. It is supported by the American Genetics Association (GSA) and is held every two years. 

The objective of this conference is to gather researchers all over the world to solve different scientific problems with protozoan ciliates as the research object, and provide them with a platform for diverse and multidisciplinary exchanges, and openly discuss the current research progress and future developments. The conference consisted of 8 major themes:Genomics, bioinformatics and systems biology; Genome rearrangement; Evolution and adaptation; Chromatin & chromosomes; Cell & developmental biology; Cilia, basal bodies & motility; Sybiosis and environmental stress; Functional genomics.

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Jul 25



    Jul 28


  • May 31 2025

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Jul 28 2025

    Registration deadline

Sponsored By
Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organized By
Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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