The International Nitrogen Initiative (INI), African Nitrogen Centre and the National Agricultural Research Laboratories of Uganda’s National Agricultural Research Organisation welcome scientists, agriculturalists, environmentalists, industrialists, economists, policy implementers and other practitioners to the 6th International Nitrogen Conference (N2013) to be held in Kampala, Uganda in November 2013. This is the 6th international conference after the successful and influential conferences in the Netherlands, USA, China, Brazil and India (see The common objective of these conferences is the design of more productive, economic, and sustainable food and energy production systems to meet the challenges of the growing global population in a changing environment.
Themes The conference targets addressing the theme -Just Enough N: Perspectives on how to get there for “too much” and “too little” Regions – through oraland poster sessions, and special-interest symposia that will address different sub-themes. Invited p
Nov 18
Nov 22
Registration deadline
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