We invite papers/articles, abstracts, or cases on topics related to research, practice, and teaching in all subject areas of Business Administration, Economics, International Business, E-Business, Public Administration, Healthcare Administration, and related subjects areas. Please refer to our list for nearly 70 subject areas in 10 broadly defined tracks for the conference. Please visit our website: www.iabe.eu. All manuscripts will be double-blind reviewed on a continual basis throughout the year. We will email result of the review process to the author(s) in about eight weeks after the submission. All recommended manuscripts will be scheduled for presentation at the conference and for publication in the IABE Proceedings on CD. Based on the reviewers’ recommendations and subject area, highly competitive papers will be published in one of the publications listed below. Following refereed publications are listed in Cabell’s Directories 2003-14 Editions. All the journals are listed in Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory. Each journal has the ISSN issued by the U.S. Library of Congress, Washington. Most of the journals have university sponsors.
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Submission Topics
Theme: "Research / Teaching Excellence in Business and Economics"
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