I2MTC 2013 will be held in Minneapolis, MN, during May 6-9, 2013. Minneapolis is a wonderful, exciting, lively, beautiful and culturally rich city, offering you, the attendee, a host of activities to enrich your I2MTC experience! On Monday the 6th, we will have a full day of Tutorials encompassing several fundamental and focused subjects in the areas of Instrumentation, Measurement, and Medical Applications. Starting in 2012, Tutorials are included in the Conference program for a registered attendee, and therefore there is no additional registration cost for Tutorials. This is a splendid opportunity for the attendees to take advantage of. We are recruiting well-known scientists from academia and industry to deliver the Tutorial Program, which is promised to be exciting and technically invigorating. A one-day Tutorial Registration is also available. The conference theme for 2013 is “Instrumentation and Measurement for Life”. Given the concentration of various clinics, universities, industries involved in medical and biomedical instrumentation development and research, in the area, we are certain to have a significant level of local contribution to our technical sessions, Tutorials and special sessions. This is in addition to the regular annual topics of interest to our attendees related to all areas of Instrumentation and Measurement. We are also planning to have Industrial Tracks with papers focused on industrial aspects of Instrumentation and Measurement including those specifically related to medical and biomedical fields, and significant contribution from our industrial members and colleagues. Research can merge with the practical applications of industrial technology used every day, to foster the exchange of know-how between industry and academia. The conference also includes special sessions on topics including Technology Transfer and Emerging Methods for Measuring, Modeling and Instrumentation in Medical Applications.
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The Conference focuses on all aspects of instrumentation and measurement science and technology–research, development and applications. The program topics include: Advances in Instrumentation and Measurement Developments and Techniques Biomedical System
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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    May 06



    May 09


  • May 09 2013

    Registration deadline

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IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society - IM Twin Cities Section IM Chapter