Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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Welcome to EVER Monaco 2014, which will feature scientific lectures, round table sessions and international meetings on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies. Since his accession, His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco has spurred the Principality into a sustainable development policy, in particular in relation to "clean" mobility and is targeting carbon neutrality by the middle of the century. The partnerships signed with car manufacturers, together with the commitment of various administrations and public utility companies, have resulted in Monaco becoming a true showcase for clean mobility. The goal of this event is also to increasing awareness about the development of renewable energies and improved energy efficiency. The scientific lectures will bring together researchers, academics and industrialists in charge of development projects to discuss these various topics. Round table sessions will be organised throughout the day on Wednesday and Thursday and will involve experts in these two areas, thus providing an opportunity to compare and share the experiences of all.

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline

Submission Topics

EVER’14 covers topics related to ecological vehicles (EV), those linked to renewable energies (RE) and those shared by both (REV), including (but not limited to) the following: EV1: Ecological Vehicles a: Passenger cars b: Public transportation vehic
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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Mar 25



    Mar 27


  • Jan 17 2014

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Mar 27 2014

    Registration deadline

Sponsored By
Monaco Sustainable Development Association (MC2D)
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