
The 7th Annual IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GREENTECH 2015) was conceived to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time: securing green and clean energy sources for the 21st century to protect the environment and help build a more resilient power grid. This will require a collaborative effort from many disciplines of engineering, science, architecture and policy as well as among utilities, vendors, regulators, and academics. Electrical energy industry is in a critical phase, as initiatives we take today will affect how the grid will be operated for many years to come.

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Submission Topics

GREENTECH 2015 will focus on the following areas: Lessons Learned in the Deployment of Green Technology Deployment Removal of key barriers and progress in addressing integration challenges Economies of scale Progress in the retirement of polluting fossil-fuel resources Challenges in production and processing of biofuels Acceptance by the end users Active participation by consumers in ensuring supply-demand balance around the clock Useful case studies and inspiring success stories Major Challenges and Opportunities in Green Technology Harnessing recent technology advances in material, computer, communication and information technologies, Technology lifecycle management Toward effective and technically sound policy formulation and implementation Renewables and big data Tools needed to plan, design and operate systems with integrated green energy resources Green energy for data centers and other critical infrastructure loads Energy storage challenges and practical solutions Electric vehicles and their role in the green energy future Development of renewable fuels from biological sources Ensuring the continued availability of a well-educated work force Toward Grid Robustness and Resilience Progress on the transmission build out and overcoming current challenges Availability, security and deliverability of renewable energy Role of microgrids in the green energy world Capacity, reliability and power quality management Assurance of physical and cyber security in the green energy systems Addressing the challenges of grid operations in systems with integrated green resources Demand side management Energy efficiency and asset management
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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Apr 15



    Apr 17


  • Apr 17 2015

    Registration deadline

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