
The International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems ICMCIS will be held on 18 and 19 May 2015 in Poland in the city of Cracow. The conference was previously known as the Military Communications and Information Systems MCC. The conference is an established scientific event with a 22-year tradition. For the first time it took place in 1992 in Poland. The scope of the conference has been extended from national, then regional, to international (since 2006). The conference is held annually, alternately in Poland and in other European countries. In previous years it took place in Germany, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and France. The following editions are planned for Belgium and Finland. Due to the fact that the conference has been shifted from autumn to spring, it will not be held in 2014. The conference has become an important forum for exchanging ideas and experiences in scientific circles that deal with military applications of communication and information systems. It is a platform for presenting the latest projects, based on NATO and EU programs, on the implementation of new technologies and services into military systems. The significance of the conference for this scientific environment is manifested in the support that has been provided for many years by the most prestigious institutions, such as: NATO Science & Technology Organisation, NATO Communications & Information Agency, European Defence Agency, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE, Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, Committee on Electronics and Telecommunication of the Polish Academy of Science.

Call for paper

Submission Topics

TOPICS Concepts and Solutions for Defence CIS Support of Future Soldier Architecture, Modelling and Simulation Human Factors for CIS Test beds, Experiments, Exercises and Demonstrations Information and Knowledge Management Semantic and Domain-based Interoperability Middleware Services and Applications Information Fusion Decision Support for C2 and Crisis Management Intelligent and Autonomous Technology Visualization Information Assurance and Cyber Defence Identification and Identity Management Authorization and Access Control Secure Information Sharing Intrusion Detection, Prediction and Countermeasures Information Labelling and Filtering Cryptology Communications and Networks Next Generation Communications Tactical and Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Ubiquitous Mobile Wireless Networking Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Topology Control and Management Localization and Mobility Management Wireless Technology Waveforms and Signal Processing Cooperation Techniques Dynamic Spectrum Management Software Defined/Cognitive Radio MIMO Systems Enabling and Disruptive CIS Technologies Distributed Processing in Cloud Environment Social Media Technology Robot Systems Collaborative Working Environments Electromagnetic Compatibility Antennas & Propagation Spectrum Saving High Power Electromagnetics EMC in Military Applications EM Interference EM Measurements Human Exposure to EM Fields
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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    May 18



    May 19


  • May 19 2015

    Registration deadline

Sponsored By
Military Communication Institute Military University of Technology
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