
The IEEE Power Electronics Society announces the Eighteenth IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, COMPEL 2017. This workshop brings together researchers, engineers and students from academia, industry, and government for interactive discussions on the latest advances in modeling, simulation,analysis, and control of power electronic devices, circuits and systems of small and large scales. Special emphasis of COMPEL17 will be on modeling and control of high voltage converterss and pulsed rf power sources.

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline
Draft paper acceptance notification
Final paper submission deadline

Submission Topics

Workshop themes include (not limited to):

  • Modeling and simulation: Modeling of devices and components in power converter systems, multi-domain and multi-level modeling (electro-thermal models, multi-physics models, integration of simulation models with different detailing levels etc.), efficient modeling and simulation of multi-level converters, numerical methods for simulation of complex systems, accurate
    converter models for large scale system studies

  • Control of Power Converters: Linear and nonlinear control algorithms for AC-DC, DC-DC and AC-AC converters, digital control and discrete time controller analysis, implementation techniques (DSP, FPGA, etc.), control of Inductive Power Transfer systems, control of ultra-high switching frequency converters

  • Hybrid systems and power management: Design and control of power converter in hybrid transportation system (electric vehicles, trains, ships and aircraft systems), power management techniques for power supply systems with energy storage (vehicles, telecommunication, computation systems, grid scale energy storage etc.), energy storage management and operation techniques, systems with power ICs

  • Design, Optimization and Simulation Tools: Design methodologies for power electronic converters, reliability-optimized design approaches, multi-domain and multi-objective optimization of power converter system design, optimization-oriented simulations, hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing and simulation, real-time simulation and rapid prototyping

  • Stability of power electronics systems: Stability analysis of power systems dominated by power converters, stability of integrated ac and dc power systems, controller interaction and stability problems in converter dominated systems, representation of power converter stability properties in power system stability studies, power system compensation and
    damping of power system resonances, constant power load instability effects in dc and ac systems, non-linear instability phenomena in power electronic converters (limit cycles, bifurcations, chaos)

  • Education & Innovation: Innovative teaching methodologies, Smart Grid Laboratory driven research and innovation, virtual and interactive laboratories in education, multimedia tools and interactive simulations

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Jul 09



    Jul 12


  • Mar 31 2017

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Apr 28 2017

    Draft Paper Acceptance Notification

  • Jul 07 2017

    Final Paper Deadline

  • Jul 12 2017

    Registration deadline

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IEEE Power Electronics Society
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