The initiative of World Cultural Tourism Association started in 2000. with the first international conference in Gwangju, Korea, in which more than 100 researchers and practitioners from more than 15 different countries took part.
We focus on the management, policy, marketing, strategy and planning of the cultural tourism in order to create, exchange opinions and communicate with our colleagues, policy-makers and researchers and practitioners.
We attempt to explore, analyze, and evaluate the state of the art in cultural tourism.
Bring together researchers, policy makers and practitioners, providing a forum for the discussion and dissemination of themes related to the culture and tourism.
World Cultural Tourism Association represents an important contribution for the cultural tourism research arena and tourism industry. We focus on facilitating the analysis and interchange of sustainable approaches and international practices as a basis for the knowledge and management in tourism management.
Considering the theme of the conference, A paper with any of the following or related subjects would be appropriate for submitting:
• Any kind of issues in cultural tourism and tourism/hospitality/foodservice.
• Cross-cultural studies in tourism/hospitality.
• Emerging issues in education and training.
• Studies and case studies on tourism/hospitality development.
• Studies related to marketing and promotion of tourism/hospitality.
• Studies related to tourism/hospitality forecasting and economic aspects of industry.
• Studies on social, cultural, economic and environmental impact of tourism/hospitality.
• Tourism/hospitality and environmental sustainability.
• Human resources development and educational issues in industry.
• Financial models or econometrics of tourism/hospitality.
• Operation of tourism and hospitality businesses at both macro and micro levels.
• The gaming and casino industry.
• Community tourism development and rural/farm tourism.
• Post-modern tourism/hospitality and contemporary issues in tourism/hospitality.
• IT and Internet aspects of tourism/hospitality.
• Other papers related to the theme of the Conference.
Nov 20
Conference Date
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
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