
The Design Automation Conference (DAC) is recognized as the premier conference for design and automation of electronic systems.  DAC offers outstanding training, education, exhibits and superb networking opportunities for designers, researchers, tool developers and vendors.

Members are from a diverse worldwide community of more than 1,000 organizations that attend each year, represented by system designers and architects, logic and circuit designers, validation engineers, CAD managers, senior managers and executives, and researchers and academicians from leading universities.

Close to 300 technical presentations and sessions are selected by a committee of electronic design experts offer information on recent developments and trends, management practices and new products, methodologies and technologies.

Call for paper

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Abstract submission deadline

DAC is accepting submissions for the Research Program, Designer Program, and IP Program on the following topic areas: Automotive, Design, Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Electronic Systems and Software (ESS),  the Internet of Things (IoT), IP, Machine Learning/AI, and Security/Privacy.

Submission Topics

DAC Designer Track brings together IC designers, IP core designers, embedded software and system developers, automotive electronics engineers, security experts, engineering managers, and verification engineers from across the globe. Designer Track is targeted specifically at practitioners. Hardware designers, software engineers, IP developers, application engineers, and managers/executives from AMD, ARM, Bosch, BMW, Cadence, Delphi, GM, Global Foundries, Huawei, IBM, Imagination, Infineon, Intel, Mercedes Benz, MediaTek, Mentor, NEC, NVIDIA, NXP, Qualcomm, Samsung, Silicon Labs, Synopsys, TI, Toshiba, TSMC, and other leading companies will present their experiences on effective design flows, methods, tool usage, as well as IP integration and software development practices. This year, the Designer Track will include presentations, poster sessions and a rich set of invited talks/panels to facilitate information exchange and interactions. It offers a unique opportunity to network with and learn from other industry experts about best practices and current trends. There is no better way to improve your “design IQ” in such a short amount of time.


DAC IP Track brings IC designers, IP core designers, IP ecosystem providers, embedded software and system developers, automotive electronics engineers, security experts and engineering managers from across the globe. Hardware designers, software engineers, IP developers, application engineers, and managers/executives from AMD, ARM, Bosch, BMW, Cadence, Delphi, GM, Global Foundries, Huawei, IBM, Imagination, Infineon, Intel, Mercedes Benz, MediaTek, Mentor, NEC, NVIDIA, NXP, Qualcomm, Samsung, Silicon Labs, Synopsys, TI, Lattice, TSMC, Global Foundries, and other leading companies will present their experiences on effective design flows, methods, tool usage, as well as IP integration and software development practices. This year, IP Track will include presentations, poster sessions and a rich set of invited talks/panels to facilitate information exchange and interactions. It offers a unique opportunity to network with and learn from other industry experts about best practices and current trends. There is no better way to improve your “IP IQ” in such a short amount of time.

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Jun 24



    Jun 28


  • Jan 23 2018

    Abstract Submission Deadline

  • Jun 28 2018

    Registration deadline

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Organized By
Association for Computing Machinery - ACM
Electronic Design Automation Company
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