
​It gives us great pleasure to announce the 15th  Learning and Technology Conference (L&T 2018), which will be held between 25th – 26th February 2018 at Effat University in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Organized by Effat University, the Learning and Technology Conference is an annual event the University has been hosting since 2002, to showcase recent technological developments underpinning best practices and innovations in learning and teaching. 

Over the years, the Learning and Technology Conference has become an important event at the national and regional level.   In addition to attracting leading educators and students, the Conference also brings together business leaders, technology experts, policy-makers and government officials from within, as well as from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This year's overarching theme is “Internet of Things…… Embedding Intelligence".   Peruse the links to find out more information!

We look forward to welcoming you at the conference  -  join us and explore new collaboration opportunities, foster new connections and be intellectually inspired!​

Call for paper

Important date

Abstract submission deadline
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft paper acceptance notification
Final paper submission deadline

The pervasive nature of smart devices and Web 2.0/3.0 technologies have set the pace for rapid digital transformation of not only how governments are redefining their services and delivery, or how organizations conduct business but also the way citizens live in society.   The Internet of Things (IoT) has similarly transformed the educational landscape and paved the way for enriched learning experiences.   In addition to optimizing the technology enablers to IoT, society also needs to address the security, social, privacy and psychological aspects of the IoT ecosystem.

The 15th International Learning and Technology (L&T 2018) Conference is a unique opportunity for researchers, entrepreneurs, technology developers and policy makers to address current challenges and advances in the field.  Specifically, it will examine the modern practices and potential of IoT and the way it affects the digital transformation, innovation, and social, economic and educational developments both locally and globally.   

The conference will feature keynote presentations, thought-provoking paper presentations, workshop sessions and a stimulating panel discussion covering the latest developments in the IoT ecosystem.   Join us and explore new collaboration opportunities, cultivate your social and knowledge networks, and compliment your core experience!


The L&T 2018 conference is co-sponsored by the IEEE Western Region Section and the IEEE Computer Society (C16).

All accepted papers will be published on the IEEE Xplorer website and the best papers will be published in the international Journal of Knowledge Society Research.

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Feb 25



    Feb 26


  • Oct 16 2017

    Abstract Submission Deadline

  • Nov 27 2017

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Dec 18 2017

    Draft Paper Acceptance Notification

  • Jan 22 2018

    Final Paper Deadline

  • Feb 26 2018

    Registration deadline

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Effat University
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