On behalf of the CEEC Organising Committee, it is our greatest pleasure to invite you to the 10 th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference which will be held in the oldest recorded town in Britain, Colchester.
The Computer science and Electronic Engineering Conference is celebrating its 10th anniversary. It is one of the first conferences in UK that are organised by students for the benefit of students across the planet. The high quality papers submitted to the conference are positioning this event as one of the most important for students, young researchers and practitioners in the computer science field.
In its 10th anniversary, CEEC’18 is an ideal venue for researchers in the disciplines of Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Finance to meet fellow researchers in their field. CEEC aims to create a forum in which the participants can work together, discuss, compare and debate different innovative ideas and solutions. Researchers are hereby invited to submit papers related to their current and recent research. CEEC’18 will take place at University of Essex, UK. The conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE.
General Chairs
Anthony Vickers
Laith Al-Jobouri
Programme Chairs
Hani Hagras
Emmanuel Ferreyra Olivares
Publication Chair
Konstantinos Dizas
Publicity Chair
Nora Alkhamees
Tutorial Chair
Piers William
Local Arrangement Chair
Anca Sticlaru
Finance Chair
Aakash Soni
Special Session Chairs
Ravikiran Chimatapu
Sami K. Hasan (Signal Proc. Adv. in Modern Eng. Systems)
Supporting Committee Members
Eleni Nisioti
Dingtian Yan
Ahmet Yilmaz
Technical Support
Bob Self
CEEC welcomes submissions on (but is not limited to) the following topics:
Artificial Intelligence
Brain-Computer Interfaces
Computational Intelligence
Computer Games
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
Data Analysis
Big Data
Computational Finance and Economics
Image Processing
Natural Computation
Natural Language Processing
Control Systems
Human‐Machine Interaction
Model-Driven Engineering
Embedded Systems and Pervasive Computing
Nano Electronics
Renewable Energy
Smart Technologies
Cloud Computing
Smart Housing
Virtual/Mixed Reality
Telecommunication Technologies
Computer Networks
Network Security
Optical Electronic Devices
Radio Frequency and Microwave Technology
Wireless Networks
Researchers are invited to submit a full paper (5-6 pages) detailing their current and recent research, or a short paper (max 4 pages) describing their work-in-progress.
Submission implies the willingness of at least one author per paper to register, attend the conference and present the paper. The best paper will be awarded the CEEC prize.
Paper preparation
Papers should be prepared in the IEEE standard double-column format. Word and LaTeX templates are available below:
Microsoft Word US Letter: MS Word Template US letter.zip
LaTeX Paper Template: LaTeX paper template.zip
LaTeX Bibliography Files: LateX Bibliography Files.zip
Paper submission
Authors can submit a paper to the general track of the conference and/or to a special session by using the dedicated page on EDAS . The paper submission is double blind so the initial submission should not have the authors names on .
Sep 19
Sep 21
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Registration deadline
2018-09-19 United Kingdom
2018 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering2017-09-27 United Kingdom London
2017 9th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering2016-09-28 United Kingdom Colchester, United Kingdom
2016 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
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