The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM) is the flagship conference of both IEEE-SMC TC on Bio-mechatronics and Bio-robotics Systems, and IEEE-RAS TC on Neuro-Robotics Systems. The ICARM 2019 will take place on Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University, Japan, from July 3 to 5, 2019. Toyonaka campus is one of the three campuses of Osaka University. It is the major campus where 1st year undergraduate students spend most of their time in Osaka University. The campus is full of young passion. The 2019 conference is collaboratively organized by robotic researchers from Osaka University, The University of Tokyo, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, and Ritsumeikan University, Japan. The conference will provide an international forum for researchers, educators, engineers in general areas of mechatronics, robotics, automation and sensors to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views on the future research directions of these fields.
1. Intelligent mechatronics, automation, control systems
2. Bionic robotics, autonomous and evolutionary robotics
3. Modelling of human sensory and motor systems
4. Bionic robot navigation, task and motion planning
5. Locomotion and manipulation in biological and robot systems
6. Teleoperation, telerobotics, haptics, and semi-autonomous systems
7. Robotic systems modeling, optimization, simulation and experiments
8. Control system modeling and simulation techniques and methodologies
9. AI, intelligent control, neuro-control, fuzzy control and their applications
10. Industrial automation, process control, manufacturing process
11. Rehabilitation robot system, neuro-robotics, wearable robots
12. Surgical robotics, medical and micro-nano robotic systems
All papers must be submitted in PDF format prepared strictly following the IEEE PDF Requirements. The standard number of pages is 6 and the maximum page limit is 8 pages with extra payment for the two extra pages. All papers accepted by IEEE ICARM 2019 will be included in IEEE Xplore. Selected high-quality papers will be recommended to special issues international journals indexed in Web of Science subject to sufficient extensions.
Jul 03
Jul 05
Registration deadline
2024-07-06 Japan Tokyo
2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM)2023-07-08 China Sanya
2023 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics2022-07-09 China Guilin
2022 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics2022-07-09 China Guilin
The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics2021-07-03 China Chongqing
2021 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics2018-07-18 Singapore
2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics2017-08-27 China Heifei
2017 2nd International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics2016-08-18 China Macau, China
2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics
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