ICISC 2020 is solely dedicated to publish high-quality and transferable innovations across all the aspects in the fields of inventive smart systems and control science with an extensive interest in the areas of formulation, implementation and analysis in the fields of control and information science.
Intelligent Agents and Cognitive Systems,
Distributed Artificial Intelligence,
Intelligent Complex Systems,
Intelligent Mobile Robots,
Computational Linguistics,
Natural Language Processing,
Knowledge Engineering and Inference,
Machine Learning,
Text and data mining,
Neural Networks,
Evolutionary Computation,
Statistical models ,
Cognitive Systems and nature inspired computation,
Swarm Intelligence,
Dynamic systems and models,
Engineering applications of nature-inspired computation,
Numerical and Complex Analysis,
Linear Control Systems,
Computational Complexity,
Automata Theory,
System Modeling,
Stochastic Process,
Image and multidimensional signal processing ,
Audio/speech processing and coding,
Image Processing,
Video Processing,
Machine Vision,
Applications of high-performance computing and novel computing system,
Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy,
Virtual Reality,
Algorithms and Data structures,
Software Engineering & applications,
Network and Information security,
Big data and machine learning,
Data warehousing technologies,
virtual teams, mobile collaboration,
Information retrieval,
Information modeling and requirements engineering,
Knowledge-based systems,
semantic web and ontology,
web-based information systems,
Intelligent and Information Systems,
Information visualization and visual data analytics,
Human-machine interaction and interfaces,
Stream Data Management and Analytics,
Multimedia Data Analytics,
Data sensing, fusion and mining,
Stream data processing and integration,
Remote data access,
Linear and Nonlinear Control System Design,
Robust and Adaptive Control,
Robotics and Intelligent Control,
Control Applications on Automotive, Energy, etc.
Software Tools and Control Methods,
Autonomous systems,
Decision support systems and learning,
Intelligent control theory and applications,
Intelligent fault detection and identification,
Hybrid intelligent systems,
Network intelligence and network control,
Fuzzy logic control,
Industrial networks and automation,
Neural networks based control systems,
Process control and optimization algorithms,
Environmental monitoring and control,
Motor control and power systems,
Intelligent automotive control,
Rough Sets,
Fuzzy Theory and Algorithms,
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,
Reinforcement Learning,
Supporting Vector Machines,
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,
Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics,
Intelligent Computing in Robotics,
Intelligent Computing in Computer Vision,
Intelligent Computing in Communication Networks,
Intelligent Control and Automation,
Intelligent Image/Document Retrievals,
Intelligent Information Fusion,
Intelligent Predictive Data Analytics,
Intelligent Agent and Web Applications
Jan 08
Jan 10
Draft paper submission deadline
Final Paper Deadline
Abstract Notification of Acceptance
Registration deadline
2019-01-10 India
2019 Third International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control2018-01-19 India
2018 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control2017-01-19 India Coimbatore,India
2017 International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control
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