Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

My Submissions

Registration 〔OPEN〕

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1. Conference background

The Asian Association for English for Specific Purposes and Chinese Association for ESP invite you to join our 2019 annual conference to be held in Chongqing University from 15 to 17 Nov. 2019. International scholars and practitioners are welcome to share your recent work and discuss how your collective efforts can advance the future of English for Specific Purposes. The conference will feature workshops, plenary speeches and panel discussions.


2. Conference objective and scope

The theme of the 3rd Annual Conference of Asia ESP & the 8th Chinese National Symposium on ESP “ESP Teaching & Research: Innovations, Challenges and Prospects” allows a wide range of interpretations, thus taking into account the varied interests and approaches within the ESP community. Through innovative practices, it will explore who we are, what we do and how we can collectively transform perceptions and understandings in current ESP studies and teaching.

We encourage proposals from scholars involved in ESP and would be particularly pleased to receive papers from members of The Asian Association for English for Specific Purposes and Chinese Association for ESP, from those working collaboratively across disciplines, from those involved in staff and student support, policy making and from students themselves. The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

● ESP language studies ● ESP material development & design
● ESP course design ● ESP testing & assessmen
● ESP research & teaching  method innovation ● ESP corpus-driven study & teaching
● EAP and EOP teaching and  research ● Cross-cultural studies in ESP context
● ESP education policy  


3.Plenary speakers

Prof. Kohji Abe

Prof. Vijay Bhatia

Prof. Wennie Cheng

Prof. Seung-Ryul Lee

Prof. Karl Maton

Prof. Lifei Wang

Prof. Zhangjun



4. Conference working language



5.  Conference venue

Huxi Campus, Chongqing University, Daxuecheng, Shapingba District, Chongqing, China


6. Guidelines for submissions

1)Abstracts, panel or workshop proposals can be accepted. 

●Panel discussion: An abstract in English (200 words) including positions, affiliations, email addresses and mailing addresses for all authors.

2)Those who plan to compete for the "Outstanding Annual Conference Papers Prize 2019" award must submit a complete research paper before 10 Oct. 2019.

3)Abstracts must be submitted through the ESP conference website:


7. Important dates

Deadline of abstract submission: 10 Oct. 2019

Notification of acceptance: 25 Oct. 2019 

Registration date: 15 Nov. 2019

Conference date: 16-17 Nov. 2019




8. Registration fee

● Participants: RMB 1000 or US$ 145 

● Members: RMB 800 or US$116

● Students: RMB 500 or US$72 


Conference Co-organizers: The Asian Association for English for Specific Purposes

                                               Chinese Association for ESP

Conference Host: School of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Chongqing University, China

Co-organizers: Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press, Chinese Journal of ESP


Contact information

● Registration, accommodation booking and abstract submission can be completed on the ESP conference website:

● Contact person:

Lai Yuqi (for participants overseas)

Tel: 86 23 65678534; 86 18623649766  



Appendix 1

Call for Outstanding Annual Conference Papers 2019

The Chinese Association for ESP will select 20 outstanding conference papers from the annual ESP conference: 3 first prizes, 7 second prizes and 10 third prizes will be awarded with the selected papers published in Chinese Journal of ESP. Teachers interested in competing for the award must submit a full paper to one month prior to the ESP conference for review. Awards will be presented at the closing ceremony of the conference.


Secretariat of Chinese Association for ESP

Call for paper

Important date

Abstract submission deadline
Abstract notification of acceptance
Draft paper submission deadline
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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Nov 15



    Nov 17


  • Oct 10 2019

    Abstract Submission Deadline

  • Oct 10 2019

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Oct 25 2019

    Abstract Notification of Acceptance

  • Nov 17 2019

    Registration deadline

Organized By
School of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Chongqing University
Previous Conferences