
Welcome to the website of the Requirements Engineering 2021 conference. The IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference is the premier requirements engineering conference, where researchers, practitioners, students and educators meet, present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and issues in the field of RE.

Sponsor Type:1


Jane Cleland-Huang
University of Notre Dame

Ana Moreira
Program Co-Chair
NOVA University of Lisbon and NOVA LINCS

Kurt Schneider
Program Co-Chair
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Software Engineering Group

Michael Vierhauser
Conference Organization Chair

Shreya Kumar
Local Chair
University of Notre Dame
United States

Paige Rodeghero 
Social Activities Co-Chair
Clemson University
United States

Fabiano Dalpiaz
RE@Next! Co-Chair
Utrecht University

Jan-Philipp Steghöfer
RE@Next! Co-Chair
Chalmers | University of Gothenburg

Markus Borg
Industrial Innovation Co-Chair
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Mehrdad Sabetzadeh
Industrial Innovation Co-Chair
University of Ottawa

Mehdi Mirakhorli
Workshops Co-Chair
Rochester Institute of Technology
United States

Tao Yue
Workshops Co-Chair
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

João Araújo
Tutorials Co-Chair

Sarah Gregory
Tutorials Co-Chair
United States

Walid Maalej
Journal First Co-Chair
University of Hamburg

Nan Niu
Journal First Co-Chair
University of Cincinnati
United States

Ruzanna Chitchyan
Posters Co-Chair
University of Bristol
United Kingdom

Jin L.C. Guo
Posters Co-Chair
McGill University

Zhi Jin
Doctoral Symposium Chair
Peking University

Didar Zowghi
Doctoral Symposium Chair
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Muneera Bano
Publicity & Social Media Chair
School of Information Technology, Deakin University

Rebekka Wohlrab
Publicity & Social Media Chair
Carnegie Mellon University
United States

Sepideh Ghanavati
Publications Chair
University of Maine
United States

Wael Kessentini
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair
DePaul University
United States

Nash Mahmoud
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair
Louisiana State University
United States

Nelly Bencomo
Mentoring Co-Chair
Aston University
United Kingdom

Tim Menzies
Mentoring Co-Chair
North Carolina State University, USA
United States

Ankit Agrawal
Student Volunteer Co-Chair
University of Notre Dame

Mona Rahimi
Student Volunteer Co-Chair
Northern Illinois University
United States

Call for paper

Important date

Abstract submission deadline
Draft paper submission deadline

Submission Topics

The RE’21 welcomes original papers focusing on the traditional RE topics, but this year’s edition is particularly thrilled with the idea of receiving submissions addressing the following five research themes:
1 Discover stakeholders’ needs: As software systems get more complex and intertwined with society, discovering the needs of various stakeholders remains one of the fundamental missions of requirements engineering. Techniques, tools, and insights are a contribution that cuts across all applications and domains.

2 Societal Challenges: Software is no longer a purely technical device or product. Its enormous power and potential continue to shape society, affecting human values and our ways to live our lives. Working from home and online teaching was imposed on us by the COVID-19 crises. How are requirements related to this and to ethical issues, such as sustainability and gender? Where are we going?

3 Smart and connected: Our world has developed into a huge socio-technical system of systems. Software with intelligent capabilities is linked to human activities and organizational systems. In smart cities, a smooth collaboration between human goals and technical sophistication is on the horizon.

4 Agile, DevOps, and Hybrid: Requirements engineering activities and customer satisfaction are at the core of agile development. However, the interplay between RE and development has shifted. Requirements are not as explicit and as visible in iterative approaches driven by direct communication. Most companies mix and match agile and DevOps with proven techniques. Where is the sweet spot?

5 AI + RE: AI seems to be everywhere and ready to solve problems even humans could not solve before. However, what are the problems to be solved? Who decides, controls, and explains whether requirements set by stakeholders are effectively transformed into AI solutions? Can AI itself help to do that?

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Sep 20



    Sep 24


  • Mar 12 2021

    Abstract Submission Deadline

  • Mar 19 2021

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Sep 24 2021

    Registration deadline

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IEEE Computer Society