Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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A healthy environment for occupants and ecosystems and enhanced animal welfare continues to be a critical pillar of sustainable modern food animal production agriculture. Since 2011 the International Research Center for Animal Environment and Welfare (IRCAEW) has been hosting biennial symposia that aim to exchange cutting–edge research findings, discuss present and future needs of the production enterprise, explore ways to further interdisciplinary endeavors globally, and ultimately advance the science and technology for improved animal welfare/health, production efficiency, and environmental stewardship. The 2021 International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare (ISAEW2021) will be held on October 21–23, 2021 in Rongchang City, Chongqing, China. The symposium will use a hybrid format of in-person and on-line to accommodate the attendees whose travels may be affected by the COVID19 pandemic. This announcement provides information regarding timeline, thematic areas, organizing committees, registration, and travel logistics.   


April 20, 2021:     Deadline for abstract submission (extended)

May 15, 2021:      Notification of abstract acceptance (extended)

June 30, 2021:     Deadline for initial full paper submission

August 1, 2021:   Reviews provided to corresponding author

August 31, 2021: Deadline for full paper to be included in the symposium proceedings


October 21-23, 2021:  Holding of ISAEW2021

October 21, Thursday

    Onsite Registration

October 22,Friday

    Morning: Opening ceremony of ISEAW2021, general session with invited speakers

    Afternoon: Concurrent technical sessions

October 23,Saturday

    Morning: General session with invited speakers

    Afternoon: Concurrent technical sessions

October 24,Sunday



Rongchang City, Chongqing, China

Rongchang Ruier Hotel (a four-star hotel) in Rongchang City


Symposium Co-chairs:
Dr. Baoming LI, Professor, CAU, China
Dr. Hongwei XIN, Dean and Director, UT AgResearch, The University of Tennessee, USA

Proceedings Co-chairs:
Dr. Ji-Qin NI, Professor, Purdue University, USA
Dr. Lingjuan Wang-Li, Professor, North Carolina State University, USA
Dr. Chaoyuan WANG, Professor, CAU, China

Program Co-Chairs:
Dr. Qiang ZHANG, Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada
Dr. Weichao ZHENG, Associate Professor, CAU, China

Organizing Committee:
Chair:        Dr. Yong HUANG, Professor, CAAS, China
Members:  Dr. Chaoyuan WANG, Professor, CAU, China
                  Dr. Feiyun YANG, Professor, CAAS, China
                  Ms. Wen LIU, Associate Professor, CAAS, China
                  Dr. Weichao ZHENG, Associate Professor, CAU, China
                  Dr. Hao LI, Associate Professor, CAU, China
                  Dr. Qin TONG, Associate Professor, CAU, China

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline

Submission Topics

Theme Areas (in alphabetical order):

  1. Animal Environment Monitoring, Assessment, and Control
  1. Air quality in animal facilities
  2. Air pollutant emission, dispersion, fate, and control
  3. Current biosecurity practices
  4. Environmental impact of air quality and aerial emissions
  5. Heat and moisture production at animal and/or housing level
  6. Heat stress abatement
  7. Lighting for improved animal wellbeing and performance
  8. Thermal indexes for modern animals and production systems  
  1. Animal Production Systems and Equipment
  1. Alternative housing systems and performance
  2. Animal product safety and traceability
  3. Economic efficiency (cost of production, producer’s profitability)
  4. New and innovative housing, ventilation, and husbandry equipment
  5. Labor requirement and development
  6. Production efficiency, safety, and risk management
  7. Space requirements of animals for optimal welfare and system design
  1. Animal Welfare Monitoring, Assessment, and Improvement
  1. Animal behavior and well-being
  2. Animal diseases and relationship with environmental conditions
  3. Animal responses to environmental stimuli
  4. Humane euthanasia for swift mass depopulation
  5. Relationship between behavioral and physiological responses of farm animals
  6. Zoonotic diseases and animal agriculture
  1. Digital and Smart Technologies for Managing and Improving Animal Environment and Welfare
  1. Automation and robotics in livestock farming
  2. Big data, machine learning, and IoT for PLF applications
  3. Precision livestock farming (PLF)
  4. Real-time monitoring of animal behaviors for early health warning
  5. Sensors and sensing for environmental quality and animal welfare
  1. Manure and Mortality Management and Byproduct Development in Animal Agriculture
  1. Advances in manure treatment technologies (anaerobic digestion, composting, solid-liquid separation, etc.)
  2. Alternative manure/litter utilization
  3. Environment-friendly and bio-secure disposal of animal mortalities
  4. Manure demand and acceptance (willingness to pay)
  5. Manure land application, and nutrient management and regulations


Abstract submission:
The ISAEW2021 is soliciting abstracts on the afore-listed topics. Please prepare an abstract of less than 250 words using the form contained in this announcement and submit it via email to Dr. Ji-Qin NI (

All abstracts will be lightly reviewed, and those selected for presentation at the symposium will be provided with paper and/or poster templates for their finished work. Full-length papers will be edited and published in a symposium proceedings.

Posters should fit within a 120 cm high x 86 cm wide (47" x 34") area.

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Oct 21



    Oct 23


  • Jun 30 2021

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Oct 14 2021

    Registration deadline

  • Nov 01 2021

    Contribution Submission Deadline

Sponsored By
International Research Center for Animal Environment and Welfare (IRCAEW)
Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE)
China Agricultural University (CAU)
Rongchang District Government
National Center of Technology Innovation for Pigs
Organized By
Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences (CAAS)
Key Lab of Agricultural Engineering in Structure and Environment, MOA, China
Contact Information