Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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Registration 〔OPEN〕

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China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE 2022) will be held in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China from Nov.3rd-5th. CIYCEE is an integrated platform for young students and professionals all over the world to investigate the future electrical engineering technologies. Following the spirit of IEEE IAS, linking research to practice, leading industry and academic experts in these fields will be invited to present the latest technical achievements and share practical experience with the participants.

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline

Technical papers are solicited on any subject pertaining to the scope of the conference, which includes, but is not limited to the following major topics:


Power System and Automation

 Renewable and sustainable energy applications

 Smart grid and utility applications

 HVDC technologies and applications

 Power system fault simulation and risk assessment

 Other topics in Power system


Power Electronics Technology and Application

 Power Converter Topology

 Control, modeling, and optimization of power converter

 Power semiconductor devices, passive components, packaging, integration, and materials

 Other topics in power electronics


Electric Machine Design and Control

 Electric machine designs

 Electric machine drives

 Other topics in electric machines


High Voltage and Insulation Technology

 High voltage testing and measurement

 Sensing, monitoring, and diagnostics

 Transients, grounding system, and EMC

 Other topics in high voltage and insulation technology


Electrotechnical Theory and New Electromagnetic Technology

 Electrical measurement and intelligent instrument

 Superconducting

 Other topics in electrotechnical technology


High Magnetic Field Engineering and Fusion Technology

 Fusion and Plasma research

 Pulsed strong magnetic field technology

 Other topics in high magnetic field engineering 

Submission Topics

Technical papers are solicited on any subject pertaining to the scope of the conference, which includes, but is not limited to the following major topics:

Power System and Automation
    Renewable and sustainable energy applications
    Smart grid and utility applications
    HVDC technologies and applications
    Power system fault simulation and risk assessment
    Other topics in Power system

Power Electronics Technology and Application
    Power Converter Topology
    Control, modeling, and optimization of power converter
    Power semiconductor devices, passive components, packaging, integration, and materials
    Other topics in power electronics

Electric Machine Design and Control
    Electric machine designs
    Electric machine drives
    Other topics in electric machines

High Voltage and Insulation Technology
    High voltage testing and measurement
    Sensing, monitoring, and diagnostics
    Transients, grounding system, and EMC
    Other topics in high voltage and insulation technology

Electrotechnical Theory and New Electromagnetic Technology
    Electrical measurement and intelligent instrument
    Superconducting
    Other topics in electrotechnical technology

High Magnetic Field Engineering and Fusion Technology
    Fusion and Plasma research
    Pulsed strong magnetic field technology
    Other topics in high magnetic field engineering 

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Nov 03



    Nov 05


  • Aug 01 2022

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Nov 04 2022

    Registration deadline

  • Nov 05 2022

    Contribution Submission Deadline

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