Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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The Chinese Economists Society (CES) calls for paper submissions for its 2021 Annual Conference, jointly hosted by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, to be held online June 19-20 (Saturday and Sunday Beijing Time), 2021. The theme of this conference is “Public Policy and Economic Behavior: China and the World amidst a Global Pandemic”, but we welcome submissions in all fields in economics. 

The conference will include invited keynote speakers, roundtable forums, parallel sessions, and professional development and training sessions.


CES invites both members and non-members to submit papers and/or to propose organized sessions at the 2021 Annual Conference. All fields of specialization in economics will be considered. The abstract submission deadline is April 19, 2021.

Confirmed keynote speakers include:

Dr. Colin Camerer, Robert Kirby Professor of Behavioral Economics at CalTech; T&C Chen Center for Social and Decision Neuroscience Leadership Chair;  T&C Chen Center for Social and Decision Neuroscience Director. 
Dr. Yan Chen, Daniel Kahneman Collegiate Professor in the School of Information, the University of Michigan; 2019 Carolyn Shaw Bell Award Winner.  
Dr. David Cutler, the Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics at Department of Economics and Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
Dr. Matthew O. Jackson, William D. Eberle Professor of Economics at Stanford University; Winner of the Jean-Jacques Laffont Prize, Toulouse School of Economics 2020; President of the Game Theory Society, 2020-2022.
Dr. Gordon Guoen Liu, Peking University BOYA Distinguished Professor of Economics; Dean of PKU Institute for Global Health and Development; President (2005-2006) of the Chinese Economists Society; Associate Editor, Health Economics.
Dr. Emi Nakamura, Chancellor’s Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley; Co-editor, American Economic Review; 2019 John Bates Clark Medal Winner; 2014 Elaine Bennett Research Prize.
Dr. Dan Silverman, Rondthaler Family Professor, Department of Economics, Arizona State University; Co-editor of American Economic Journal – Economic Policy.                                                                                                           


If you would like to present at the conference, please submit an abstract of no more than 400 words with a title, author name(s), JEL code(s), and keywords via the CES website at You will be notified by e-mail by April 26, 2021, as to whether your paper has been accepted for presentation. 


The Chinese Economists Society (CES) calls for paper submissions for its 2022 Annual Conference, jointly hosted by Guizhou University, to be held in a hybrid format on June 25-26 (Saturday and Sunday Beijing Time), 2022. To accommodate the time zone differences between China and the US, all sessions will be held in the morning and evening.
The theme of this conference is “Big Data, AI and Economic Development: Merging Economics with Management”, but we welcome submissions in all fields of economics.


The conference will include invited keynote speakers, roundtable forums, parallel sessions, and professional development and training sessions.

If you would like to organize one or more sessions on a specific topic and have speakers/presenters lined up, please submit your proposal to Professor Li QI, CES President, for approval at by April 1, 2021. Each organized session should consist of 4 individual papers. Proposal should contain a tentative name of the session, titles of papers along with their abstracts, as well as names of session presenters and discussants with their e-mails. Please note that papers included in a session must still go through the regular paper submission process through the CES website to be included into the program. It is the organizer’s responsibility to ensure all papers are submitted properly. The submission deadline of individual papers in proposed organized sessions is April 9, 2021.

Call for paper

The CES plans to select a group of high-quality papers presented at the conference for a special issue with the journals China Economic Review and China Economic Journal. Papers submitted for consideration of the special issues still need to go through regular review process of both of these journals. Details about these publication opportunities will be provided later through a CES “Call for Submissions” announcement.

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  • Jun 02


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  • Jun 02 2022

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