Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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Registration 〔OPEN〕

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The Chinese Economists Society (CES) calls for paper submissions for its 2015 CES North America Conference, to be held at University of Michigan, March 14-15 (Saturday and Sunday), 2015. The local host for the conference is University of Michigan. It is also co-organized by Henan University, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, China. The theme of the conference is “Economic Transformation and China’s Role in the World Economy”. The conference features some well-known scholars, invited speakers, round table forums, and parallel sessions. Arrival and registration of participants will take place on March 13, Friday. All speeches and sessions will be held on March 14-15. This conference will promote exchanges of academic ideas related to the Chinese economy in a North American venue. It also provides an opportunity for Ph.D. students in North America interested in working in China to learn about employment opportunities in China. We invite Chinese universities to recruit at the conference for new faculty and pursue visiting opportunities in North America for their faculty members. This conference also invites student participation by offering a best paper award and valuable opportunities for students to network with experienced scholars.

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  • Conference Date

    Mar 14



    Mar 15


  • Mar 15 2015

    Registration deadline

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