
Wide bandgap and other emerging semiconductor materials (e.g. ionic materials) based electronic devices: characterization, modelling and design Advanced silicon, integrated passive devices and through substrate via Low-temperature co-fired ceramic and liquid crystal polymer based microwave devices Large-area printing, inkjet printing and 3D printing materials and processes for RF and THz applicationsFan-out wafer/panel level packaging for 5G mmWave and IoT, etc. Flexible materials for RF electronics and antennas Engineered metamaterials and plasmonics for absorption, cloaking, and wave manipulation Ferromagnetic materials and superconducting materials Spin-wave and magnetic crystal materials Passive/active microwave and terahertz devices (material characterization, fabrications, and applications) Antennas with advanced/complex/artificial materials and processes
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  • Nov 15 2023

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IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society