NKCon 2024 represents the flagship conference organized by IEEE North Karnataka Subsection (NKSS), dedicated to fostering opportunities for networking, excellence, collaboration, and cooperation among technologists. The event is scheduled to be held at Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkote, from September 21 to 22, 2024. Apart from featuring contributed papers on research findings and expert talks on recent topics, the conference encompasses various professional events.

The conference serves as a distinctive forum where participants can share cutting-edge research findings, present novel ideas, and discuss practical applications within the diverse domains encapsulated by the IEEE umbrella. NKCon 2024 is a testament to the vibrant and collaborative spirit of the IEEE community, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and advancements in various technological and scientific fields.

Call for paper

Track 1 : Communication and Signal Processing

Network protocols, Mobile computing, Mobile ad hoc networks, Mobile agents, Network architectures, Quality of services, Cross-layer design/optimization, Design and performance evaluation, Traffic control, Wireless systems, MU-MIMO systems, Optoelectronics and Optical Communication. Image processing, Computer vision, Bio-image processing, Audio/video processing, Data processing, Estimation and identification, Remote sensing, Information fusion, Brain computer interface, Signal transforming and filtering, Digital system design and structures, Optimization techniques.

Track 2: Power Electronics and Control Systems​

Power devices and components, Power quality control, FACTS, PFC, STATCOM, Harmonic analysis and compensations, Switching circuits and power converters, Motors and drives, Smart grid, Distribution generation and electrical vehicles, Wireless power transmission, Energy harvesting. Adaptive and intelligent control, Distributed and decentralized control, Games, Hybrid control, Networked control, Nonlinear systems, Optimization and optimal Control, Predictive control, Process control, Robust control, System identification and filtering, Uncertain systems, Control system applications.

Track 3: Robotics and Automation Systems​

Robotics vision, Visual servoing, Visual servoing simulation, SLAM, LIDAR, Sensors and sensor fusion, Actuators, Motion control, Robot-human collaboration, Remote operation, Autonomous mobile robot, 3D simulation, Off-line programming, AI application in robotics, Industrial application case study

Track 4: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning​

Natural language interaction, Text analysis, Image analysis, Video analysis, Speech recognition, Object recognition, Gesture recognition, Statistical learning, Machine learning, Deep learning, Reinforcement learning, Predictive analytics, Data analytics, Knowledge representation, Reasoning, Neural networks, AI applications, Design for AI chip and systems.

Track 5: Computing Devices and Circuits​

Including Advanced CMOS, post-CMOS, Quantum Computing, Cryogenic Circuits) Novel devices and circuit concepts that improve existing and enable novel computing paradigms. Included in the scope of this track are Advanced CMOS and beyond CMOS transistor (e.g. tunnel FET, negative capacitance FET), transistors based on low- dimensional systems (e.g. 2D materials, nanowires, and quantum dots), and on topological insulators, as well as phase transitions transistors and all kind of circuit implementations with such devices. Qubit devices for quantum computing enablement and all related Cryogenic Circuits are welcomed. Non-charge-based logic devices and circuits (e.g. magnetic logic, spintronics, and plasmonics) are also key topics of this track.

Track 6: Learning Computer and Software Engineering​

Computer-aided engineering, Cryptographic engineering, Information engineering, Tele-traffic engineering, Web engineering, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Multi-body dynamics (MBD), theory of computation, Information and coding theory, Algorithms and data structures, programming language theory, formal methods, artificial intelligence, computer architecture and engineering, computer performance analysis, computer security, computational science, computer networks, concurrent, parallel and distributed systems, data bases.

Track 7: Electric Vehicle and Grid Integration​

AI-Enabled Smart Drives, BMS, Cell balancing, Charge controlling techniques, charging stations, impact of EV on grid integration, Charging station infrastructure, Control strategies, motor drives, Communication aspect in EV, AI in EV.

Track 8: Intelligent Mobility and Visual Intelligence​

Safety, connected Autonomous Vehicles, mobility,Advanced Driver Assistive Systems, Perception, avigation and Control,Vehicular communication ADAS, Connectivity, Security, Vehicular to Vehicular, Vehicular to Grid, AI/ML/DL enabled techniques/frameworks Digital Heritage, Agriculture, and Smart Manufacturing,edge AI computing, low processing, multi-objective solutions Restoration, Enhancement, Categorization, Clustering, Classification, Scene Understanding, Object Detection, and Tracking.

Track 9: Intelligent Solutions in Healthcare applications​

Health Care applications of AI and Computer Vision, Medical Diagnosis, medical image reconstruction, restoration, registration, segmentation, classification, visualization, and prediction, reliable and economical healthcare solutions.

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Sep 21



    Sep 22


  • Sep 22 2024

    Registration deadline

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