The IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW) originated from the Wafer Level Reliability Workshop in 1982. The IIRW focuses on ensuring electronic device reliability through fabrication, design, testing, characterization, and simulation, as well as identification of the defects and physical mechanisms responsible for reliability problems. Tutorials, paper presentations, poster sessions, moderated discussion groups, special interest groups, and the informal format of the technical program provide a unique environment for understanding, developing, and sharing reliability technology and test methodologies for present and future semiconductor applications as well as ample opportunity for open discussions and interactions with colleagues. Hot reliability topics for the workshop include: SiGe and strained Si, III-V, SOI, high-k and nitrided SiO2 gate dielectrics, reliability assessment of novel devices, organic electronics, emerging memory technologies (RRAM etc.) and future "nano"-technologies, NEMS/MEMS, photovoltaics, transistor reliability including hot carriers and NBTI/PBTI, Cu interconnects and low-k dielectrics, product reliability and burn-in strategy, impact of transistor degradation on circuit reliability, reliability modeling and simulation, optoelectronics, single event upsets, as well as the traditional topics of wafer level reliability (WLR) and built-in reliability (BIR).
Oct 12
Oct 16
Registration deadline
2018-10-07 United States
2018 International Integrated Reliability Workshop2017-10-08 United States
2017 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop2016-10-09 United States South Lake Tahoe,USA
2016 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop2013-10-13 United States
2013 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop
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