The focus of the EUVIP 2014 series of workshops is on visual information processing, modeling, and analysis methods inspired by the human and biological visual systems. EUVIP 2014 provides an occasion for rich scientific exchange on perceptually inspired image and video processing and communication methods in a friendly and supportive environment. EUVIP 2014 offers experienced researchers an intellectually stimulating environment for discussion and interactions with their peers, encourages early career researchers to widen their experience and horizons, and guides PhD students towards new research directions. The technical program will comprise tutorials, plenary talks, oral presentations, and poster sessions. Special attention is devoted to student contributions. Students may contribute to EUVIP 2014 by submitting a regular paper, on which the student appears as the first author. The best student regular paper will be selected for an award. EUVIP 2014 also offers a Special Student Poster session, for which PhD/MSc students can submit an extended abstract of no more than two pages. The abstracts will be collected in the proceedings and distributed to participants during the conference, and the best student poster will be acknowledged with an award.
Dec 10
Dec 12
Registration deadline
2024-09-08 Switzerland Geneva
2024 12th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP)2018-11-26 Finland
2018 7th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing2016-10-25 France Marseille, France
2016 6th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing2013-06-10 France
2013 4th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing
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