Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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One of the technology trends of the electronics industry is the rapid development and ever-increasing application of advanced simulation methodologies and tools. For the leading global companies, simulation is becoming a daily practice, a standard tool, and an important competitive edge to achieve competitive product and/or process development. Thermal, thermo-mechanical and mechanical simulations have significant impact on the business profitability of electronics industries. On the other hand, the fascinating development of the electronics industry has also formulated many challenges and impulse for the further development of simulation methodologies and tools. As the only international conference specially dedicated to thermal, mechanical and multiphysics simulation and experiments in microelectronics and microsystems, EuroSimE was initiated in 2000 with major sponsorship from the European Community. The 16th in the series, EuroSimE 2015 aims to: promote further development and application of simulation methodologies and tools for the electronics industry, improve communication and exchange information between methodology & tool-developers and industry users, strengthen co-operation between industry, universities, and research institutes.

Call for paper

Submission Topics

EuroSimE addresses the results of both fundamental research and industrial application in the fields of thermal, mechanical and multiphysics simulation and experiments in microelectronics and microsystems. This includes, but is not limited to: Multi-physics simulation (e.g. thermal, mechanical, thermo-mechanical, coupled thermo-fluidic, coupled electro-mechanics, fluid structure interactions, opto-mechanics) Failure analysis and failure mode extraction Material characterisation, experiments and modelling Validation of simulations by experiments Failure criteria and damage modelling for reliability prediction Integrated process modelling Advanced numerical and analytical simulation methodologies and tools Behavioural modelling Simulation-based optimisation, virtual prototyping in product and/or process design Compact modelling and model order reduction Multiscale modeling and simulation
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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Apr 19



    Apr 23


  • Apr 23 2015

    Registration deadline

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IEEE Electron Devices Society
IEEE Reliability Society
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